Academic Programs
"Enhancing Your Journey Toward The
Prize of the High Calling in Christ Jesus."
At Gatekeepers University (aka/ Gatekeepers School of Ministry)you will choose an academic program that best suits you. Inside of each program are various courses enhance or compliment the path of study which you have chosen. In essence, you are receiving many courses for the one tuition price.

Gatekeepers University desires to see every leader fulfill God’s highest calling on in his/her life and impact the world around them for the kingdom of God. Development of leadership abilities and skills is key to excelling in the Kingdom of God; we are forever increasing to impact future generations for Christ.
This program of study covers subjects such as:
- Identifying Your Calling ~ Locating the wheelhouse of your calling is priority. Identifying, confirming, and activation are three vital elements in be obedient to your specific call.
- Leadership Identity ~ Identify/verifying the unique characteristics and values that define your approach to leadership. It involves the embodying qualities such as humility, integrity, servant leadership as modeled by Jesus Christ.
- Conflict Resolution ~ Pinpointing and resolving disputes between individuals or groups in a manner pleasing to God. Detecting the underlying causes of conflict and finding a mutually agreeable solution. This requires skills such as active listening, empathy, and communication.
- Transformative Leadership ~ Inspiring and empowering believers to reach their full potential by leading with purpose and authenticity. We provide a focus on building relationships, fostering trust, and creating a positive environment in which believers can thrive. This includes encouraging creativity, innovation, growth, and challenging believers to step outside their comfort zones.

This academic program was designed to help you gain clarity and confirmation in the genesis of your Worship Ministry calling. We provide the tools for you to build or enhance your team, and teach you how to create music for you team. Students will gain the needed insights to lead an effective worship ministry.
This program of study covers subjects such as:
- IDENTIFYING YOUR CALL~ Locating the wheelhouse of your Worship Ministry calling is priority. Identifying your skillsets, talents, along with your weaknesses will prove invaluable. As well, we are all about training you to know the principles of increase in each area.
- ANCIENT HISTORY OF WORSHIP ~ The revelation of the origins of worship we will teach you will strengthen you as a God-called leader. It will provide you with inner substance for your personal validation and congregational worship. As well, it will develop what we call a 5th Gospel ministry that preaches louder than anything you could say or do.
- CREATING WORSHIP TEAMS ~ Laying a solid foundation to any ministry is vital to its ability to stand the test of time. Conversion of the team members is fundamental to creating a flow, or congruency, between you and your team, and this is discussed at great length. We teach you to identify your team members abilities and weaknesses, and give you some tools to enhance their musical and vocal abilities.
- CREATING MUSIC ~ When you are finished with our training in this area you will be able to choose a song and create musical charts for your musicians, and vocal arrangements for your singers. We want to increase you in this are by providing training which covers subjects such as standing with confidence, making eye contact, being real, communicating with the media team, and more.
- LEADING WORSHIP ~ It’s not everyone’s gift, but it is yours. We want to increase you in this area, so we provide training that covers subjects such as standing with confidence, making eye contact, being real, communicating with the media team, and more.

Ministering to the nations, both here and abroad, is a special calling. It is not any less valuable than other callings. We had this in mind when we created this program of study. So many feel called to Missions and Outreach but do not know what steps to take first. We eliminate the mystery and open up to you the precepts that allow you to build a mission or outreach ministry that is honorable to the Lord Jesus Christ.
This program of study covers subjects such as:
- The All-Nations Call ~ Not every Christ-follower is called to the nations. You are certain you’ve been called to the nations, but something has delayed the start of your missions ministry. We help you to make some changes in your life so can increase the probability of success as you reach out in home-missions (your own country) or in world-missions (other nations).
- Cross-cultural Training ~ Through our assignments we will challenge you to familiarize yourself with cultures that are different from yours. Become adventurous and learn about other nationalities and their culture and traditions. Embracing various cultures will give a perspective that will benefit you in missions for many years to come.
- Team Leadership ~ You will learn team development, team orientation, and team perspective. You are the strongest when your vision for the nations can be imparted to the hearts of others, so they must flow together as one. Conversely, missions trips can become the greatest challenge if your team experiences conflict between themselves. We reveal principles which will keep your team in check, and cause them to keep the purpose of the missions effort at the forefront of their thoughts.
- Planning and Logistics ~ Our Missions and Outreach Program teaches you the principles of backward planning, communicating with your foreign host, travel to other countries, nutrition in the host country, physical preparation, gaining passports, and more. Missions is hard work and many missions efforts fail, but proper training, both physical and spiritual, will ause you missions ministry to be successful